The Dad Hoodie Guide to Changing Diapers

The Dad Hoodie Guide to Changing Diapers

Dads, let’s be real. Changing diapers isn’t the most glamorous part of fatherhood, but it’s part of the gig. And you won’t always have the comfort of home. Sometimes you’re in the car, at the park, or crammed into an airplane bathroom. That’s why you need to be a diaper-changing pro, anytime, anywhere.

How To Change a Diaper, Anywhere

First things first, get everything ready. Grab a clean diaper, baby wipes, and diaper cream if needed. If you have a diaper pail, that’s great! If not, a plastic grocery bag will be helpful to mask odors. Once you have everything, it’s time to lay the baby down.

Step 1: Get Comfy 

We recommend using a soft, even surface. Babies will squirm when you’re trying to change them. Some parents use a changing table and some will do a quick change on the carpet! Every situation is different. 

Step 2: Use Those Wipes

Undo the dirty diaper, and wipe off excess… mess. Wipe front to back. Don’t be stingy with the wipes! Leaving residue is a recipe for a bad rash. Once the baby is clean, you can put a diaper on your clean, dry baby. To get the diaper on as easily as possible, you’ll want to gently lift up your baby’s legs. We mean it, be careful, gently lift their legs. They’re still gummy worms at this stage, as their skeletons are still developing and their bones are growing.

Dad changing diaper

Step 3: Which Way is Right?

Slide the diaper under the baby’s bottom. The tabs go in the back. If you think you’ll forget, buy diapers that say “back” on the back. Many Pampers and Luvs diapers will! Once the diaper is on, fasten the tabs on both sides. Make sure the diaper isn’t too tight but not too loose. If it’s loose, you may have a messy diaper change coming up.

Step 4: Remove the Evidence 

As for the dirty diaper, roll it up and seal it with the tabs. Toss it in the pail or place it in an old grocery bag and throw it in the trash can. Be sure to take the trash out often to prevent a dirty diaper smell in your baby’s room! You’ll be changing diapers pretty often. First thing in the morning, throughout the day when your baby goes, and of course, right after a bath before bed.

How to Change a Diaper in Public

If you’re out in public, changing won’t be as easy. We recommend packing a diaper bag or the Dad Hoodie for quick outings. Pack all of the essentials in the bag (or the hoodie). The hoodie will hold plenty of diapers, wipes, diaper cream, and a small bag to mask odor. Utilize public restroom changing tables or change your baby in your car if the public space doesn’t have changing tables. We recommend buying a portable changing pad to keep your baby off icky surfaces.

Dad Hoodie with diapers

How to Change a Diaper on a Plane

While it’s not the most fun, we have a couple tips for changing on the plane. Pack enough diapers and wipes in the Dad Hoodie to avoid walking through a narrow plane aisle. Make sure it’s safe to get up and ask a flight attendant which bathroom has a changing table. Use a towel or portable changing pad to keep your baby comfy and clean. It’s not the easiest change, but if your baby is on a longer flight, you have to do what you have to do!

Some parents will opt for a 3rd seat to have extra room for changing and will create privacy with a blanket for #1 diapers. To each their own. If you’re not sure what’s the best way to get it done, feel free to chat with a flight attendant. They have likely been in your shoes and know exactly what to do.

You got this, Dad!