Overcoming the Challenges of Being a Single Dad

Overcoming the Challenges of Being a Single Dad

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 Super Dad


Super Dad: Overcoming the Challenges of Being a Single Dad

Everyone knows that dads have superpowers. Moms have them, too, but traditionally, dad’s are the ones that squish bugs, open pickle jars, and protect us from those evil monsters under our beds. Whether you're a mom or dad, parenting is a tough job — particularly if you're running the show alone as a single parent. Dad Hoodie knows all about the challenges parents — especially single parents — face every day. Here are some foolproof ways to manage and overcome those challenges.

Challenge and Solution: Mental Stress and Coping Mechanisms

Many situations involving your children are going to cause stress. That’s why it’s important to learn small ways to face that stress head-on and reduce it no matter where you are. Having effective coping mechanisms handy will allow you to get through even the most challenging times. You can use your new skills to immediately start feeling better and to prevent the emergence of chronic mental health problems.

Breathing exercises are a great way to deal with anxiety quickly and quietly. If you’re having a hard time coping, walk away from the situation. It’s alright to let your baby cry for a few minutes so that you can take a quick breather. If your child is older, don’t be afraid to leave the room to recollect yourself before going back in.

Challenge and Solution: Dealing with Everything and Delegating

The most significant challenge single fathers face is managing the household. You have to prepare food, dress your kids, get them to and from school, tend to work and finances — all on top of dealing with the everyday occurrences that are part of life. Things can get overwhelming quickly, especially if you’re taking care of more than one child.

The solution to this is to delegate and keep a routine. Make sure that you have a set schedule for everything, including meals, bedtime, and even potty training. As you grow accustomed to a schedule, your kids will, too. Of course, things don’t always go as planned, but in most cases, having a set schedule will make things smoother and easier to handle.

Challenge and Solution: Overworking Yourself and Adjusting Your Schedule

A big challenge single fathers face is their ability to balance the full-time work of parenthood and their job. If you’re constantly away from your kids, you’ll find yourself hating your job and your kids hating whenever you have to go. If you regularly leave your kids at home with a nanny or sitter, your children might exhibit signs of anger by acting out toward you or the sitter in an effort to get attention.

One way to handle this is to talk to your boss or manager to discuss better ways to make your work flexible so you're able to spend as much time as possible with your kids while still meeting your job expectations. Alternatively, you could look for a different position that allows you to work from home. This would offer more flexibility and the option to be available more often.

Another great alternative to consider if you do not want to pick up extra hours at your job that might reduce the time you can spend with your kids is to start a side business right from your house. Many parents today have found that balancing entrepreneurship and homeschooling is the best choice for their households.

But how do you start this process? Writing a business plan will help you develop a clear vision for your business, and creating a budget will help you establish your potential expenses and revenue. Finally, in order to protect your assets and even qualify for a few extra tax breaks, a site like zenbusiness can help guide you through the LLC registration process.

Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs you’ll ever have, even more so if you’re a single parent. Caring and providing for your children on your own can be a difficulty, but with each challenge, there is a solution. Focus on these steps and remember to ask for help whenever you need it. As your kids grow up, they’ll be sure to see you as the superhero dad you are.

Photo Credit: Pixabay.com