Hospital Bag Checklist: Tips for Being Prepared & More

Mother meeting baby for the first time.

Preparing for the birth of your child is one of the most exciting yet nerve wracking experiences ever. You’re ready to pop but you’re also not. Your baby will no longer be safe and sound in your tummy but will finally make their debut to the world. You know worrying about the future won’t help anything so the best you can do is prepare. Prepare for sleepless nights, prepare for endless diaper changes, you get it. If there’s one thing you really prepare for, it’s going to the hospital.

We can’t promise labor will be easy peasy lemon squeezy but we can reassure you that you can have a hospital bag ready for the big day. We’ll cover all the essentials and more items more first-time parents don’t think to pack. Just remember, due dates aren’t really set in stone (unless you’re induced maybe), so just be sure to have your bag packed by 36 weeks just in case! It’s better to have your hospital bag ready weeks before it’s needed than packing it last minute.

Here’s all of our hospital bag must-haves.

A roomy hospital bag (of course)

If you pack a lot, be sure to have a bag big enough for your necessities. For some, it may be best to have a suitcase. This way it’ll be easier for your partner or family to roll your belongings.

Remember: The Hospital Will Give You A LOT

It’s true, the hospital will likely give you a lot of necessities and be sure that you take home as much as possible. This will consist of diapers, wipes, baby blankets, and breastfeeding and hygiene products for mom. Don’t be scared to ask for more if you need it! Diapers and wipes go so quickly, especially during the newborn stage so be sure to stock up. This is a great idea for parents on a budget. 

As for hygiene and breastfeeding items you’ll likely receive (or can ask for), these products will likely be nipple cream, breast pads, formula, newborn bottles, peri bottles, and pads. Just note it doesn’t hurt to pack your own items if you think you’ll have a preference in hygiene products. Some mothers prefer to have adult diapers or pads their body is already familiar with rather than hospital products.

Onesies and Pajamas

Pack a few onesies or pajama sets for baby. They’ll be spending lots of time sleeping! No need for super cute outfits quite yet. Onesies are all you need for your bundle of joy.


Pacifiers are a good idea. Your baby will enjoy one and you’ll have some peace of mind knowing they have some comfort. Again, your baby will be sleeping a lot. A paci is going to be their best friend! Other than mom and dad of course.

Socks & Mittens, Accessories, Blanket

Babies tend to scratch their faces. Plenty of mittens or socks for their hands will prevent them from scratching themselves. Yep, your baby might look like they have a fresh manicure! Their nails are long for only being a day old.

You can bring an extra blanket or two, but the hospital will likely have plenty. And again, ask for extras if you’d like.


The 5-star carseat you’ve likely been eyeing at Target should definitely be a priority. Make sure it’s new and not expired. It should be in the rear-facing position for proper safety. Also make sure it has a five-point harness system. Lastly, make sure it’s installed correctly.

For Mom

Some underrated items many moms highlight are boxer shorts, travel sized toiletries, shower shoes, and a mini fan you can clip to the hospital bed. You will be happy you had all of these items!

Mom will definitely need other items for herself. Be as comfortable as possible for postpartum. You might lounge in a hospital gown and that’s totally okay. Feel free to pack comfy nightgowns or loungewear for after you shower. You won’t want to wear anything tight.

Also… you might want to pack an extra tote if you take home items from the hospital. You’ll be happy you had extra room for all those free diapers and wipes.

The Dad Hoodie


The Dad Hoodie

The Dad Hoodie might be something to consider if Dad isn’t a fan of diaper bags. This unique hoodie makes it easier to carry all the diaper bag essentials on his person without killing his style.

The hoodie comes in sizes small through XXL and features 6 mesh hidden pockets to hold diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, and more essentials. It’s a great alternative to a diaper bag when you just need a few essentials for a quick outings with the family.